Here is is..A little late on the posting tonight because I needed to make myself a tasty treat and didn't get home from baseball till a little late. So here goes-
All in all a good day- with the exception that I was a complete blonde today. Drove all the way to my appointment with my plastics guy only to realize that I left my purse at school. Such a blonde. Actually, I was in a hurry and got my papers to grade while I waited, the ipad to input grades but the idea to have a licence while driving or an ID for medical did not cross my mind. I feel like I have the pregnancy forgetfulness syndrome.
Here is a funny- My plastics guy's name is Kevin Chen. He is from Salem OH. Not far from Lordstown OH. We laughed for a while when I inappropriately asked- "Salem, really Salem- home of the fighting Quakers (which is its own joke), There is no Asian population in Salem." I knew I would like him because he popped back with " I know it is a South Park episode in the making- My dad is the OBGYN and the other Asian family the Wong's run the Chinese restaurant"; I paused for a while and said so the Korean family run the Chinese restautant? He laughed hysterically and said yes but it was Salem - They just know we are Asian.
He was really good and young. This surgery is kind of scary. I am not sure why anyone who did not have to would subject themselves to it. That surgery will not happen until after I have been though Chemo. So I have a break-It will be at least a 6 week recovery period.
My Three B's
Bumps: Found out I only 13 have sick days. Major illness put such stress on a families income. This is something that is going to stress Doug completely out. Insurance doesn't cover 4 dollar gas to a doctors office that is miles away, tolls to get there, and then parking. Every visit is going to be a least 15 dollars before I have walked in the door.
Battle: Oh this one is funny because it is all about humility. I am going to have a battle with self confidence and I was made very aware of this when I am having pictures of me being taken for reference during surgery. As the snap shots were being taken in front of 1 student doctor and a nurse-doc here is explaining that he has to take this because your weight is not displaced the same while laying down as if I was unaware. So very uncomfortable. Pretty sure I have seen where these things go when they are not contained. SO AWKWARD.
Blessings: John's baseball team has ribbons on the batting helmets, my room was decorated today, they let me see the surgeon today despite not having id. I am surrounded by praying people. I got a nap and was able to get all the food prepped for Varsity grill tomorrow. Got a beautiful letter from a dear friend and a card from a great family in San Diego. Had a nice chat with a student tonight and was able to solidify that I am not strong- I am strong because of where I get my strength.
I am uncomfortable having attention placed on me- I am not the only one going through this and I am willing to wear my emotions on my sleeve. The good ones, the bad ones, the mean ones, and the vulnerable ones. They are all there. I am working on a Saturday sermon so get ready. today though- I am glad that God promised trials, for through trials comes perseverance and perseverance builds character and with that there is hope- and that is what I have.
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