
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Can you recognize.... The Good Shepherd

Today was a good day.  Good church message,good music and left thinking of all the people who have been     me in my life.  We had a good lunch and I took a nap in the sun. 

I am going to start with the 3 B's today:

Bumps:  My bump in this beautiful day was not the ground  where I took a nap, but the fact that I went looking for a pair of royal blue baseball socks.  So frustrating, this would upset me usually but today I was sad.  I wanted everything to be perfect for the boys and one will be missing socks (not that anyone will see what color socks are on his feet) but it is the little things that are annoying.  It is stupid to let something so unimportant bother me.

Battles:  I am really sad that I do not get to see my boys at this tournament. I am really nervous and I am testy.  Most people would say "aw it is only normal", but it is still not an excuse to be mean to someone else. My anxiety is heightened as the day and time draws nearer.  I am praying that I can stay grounded and steadfast in God's word.  I am resting in Philippians 4:6-7

6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 

That is what I am praying- that I will be gentle in frustration and that my heart and mind be guarded during a trying time.

Surgery has been moved till Tuesday morning- but the sentinel node scan will be done tomorrow so quite literally I will be HOT- radioactive hot but HOT none-the less. Thank God for nuclear medicine. The surgeon will know exactly which if any lymph nodes have been affected.  The effect of the radioactive dye will show up on that scan.  That was for Melissa N. Judy Z and Michelle G, That is a set of sentences you may use to show students the difference between affect and effect.
For the non-educator types out there-WE NEVER STOP TEACHING.

Today's sermon was about Jesus being the good shepherd.  The pastor went on to describe all the ways that Jesus was trying to make it clear but the one that struck me was the "recognizing of the voice"  He knows our voice and we know His (even though we ignore it quite a bit).  I started to think about the voices of the people that "shepherded" me and wondered how many of them I would remember.  In true God form about 6:30 this afternoon I got a call from just one of those people.  My uncle Grady- I knew immediately who it was when I heard his voice. Just another way that God demonstrates that he is with me all the time and that He is my good shepherd.  I have some of you that are reading this saying is just a coincidence, that is just not true.  You may dismiss things like that but I will not, I will never devalue the power of my all powerful God that is gentle enough to send me the perfect calming and reassuring voice. (Even though my aggression on the playing field was definitely fostered by this man-he and my mother would battle it out on the tennis court).  
I had the most amazing childhood.  Many Mk's struggle with identity issues but not me.   Soy catracha with a heavy EEUU influence.  I am both. But more importantly, I had the most amazing missionary family.  I had tias that taught me how to be a Godly woman.  I had tios that showed me what being Godly men looks like.  They were all shepherds that listened to God's voice and taught me how to do the same.  I would recognize their voices anywhere.  I am blessed.

Lori Chepke and Jill McKenzie- you two make my day- everyday.

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