
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Saturdays were made for fighting-

Well there were no fights this weekend except for against myself.  I had to force myself to go to the grocery store, do laundry, clean house, and pretty much everything today.  All I really wanted to go was channel surf in my nice comfy bed.  But, that will never happen.

I did get all of those things done and a few more.  I am just working at a much slower pace than normal.  But the cheese cake is in the oven, the table is set for lunch tomorrow and I am just settling in for the night.  I thought I would write a little while the cake is baking.

bumps:  chemo class was scary- nothing like pumping up before you begin.  Nice nurse (Lynda) reminded us that we will never be able to lift anything over 20 pounds with our lymphless side again (not going to happen), that we would have a metallic taste in our mouths for the entirety of the chemo sessions (mine was the longest despite being the lesser of the stages), and that we would be nauseousness and tired even after it was over.  Did I mention the Neublasta makes your long bones hurt?  Yeah- I can't wait! Seriously, I know not everyone is a teacher and even I don't sugar coat everything but we need to work on her presentation skills.  "it is what it is" is Not acceptable in a chemo for dummies class.  The presentation was on a power-point (that was also handed out) with out animation or sound effects and never in full screen (I guess she might forget which slide she was on).  May- be my calling will be to do a more entertaining class set up.   I am a terrible student.

Battle:  Although I joke about it, working in slow motion is not my cup of tea.  I have never strolled through a mall, why would I want to saunter through my days.  But, they were not kidding about being tired.  I guess my battle will be that I must slow down and that is hard for me.  I have always been frustrated with lazy.  I had very little compassion with people who are not busy all the time, and even less grace for those who cannot manage their time.  Now, I feel like I am one of them.  Doug assures me however that I am still managing to get done more in a day than most do in a week.  It just doesn't feel like it.  And I hate having to ask for help.

Blessings:  THIS ONE IS HUGE.  YES, I am yelling.  I remember posting back when I first was diagnosed that my birthday this year would be horrible.  Well, I assure you it will not.  My mailbox has been filled with "well wishers for the last 4 days.  My friend Heather, and all of her shenanigans, got all of her friends and what seems to be her friends, friends to send me birthday wishes.  Let me remind you that her birthday is one day after mine. But, she has blessed me-SO MUCH!  I will never be able to repay or even express how loved you made me feel.  One particular note got me today.  It was from Makyla- she made me the most beautiful card.  All of the Disney princess were hidden behind stars and hearts that I had to lift to find. I feel like a child trying to make sure I saw them all.  Makyla, a cancer survivor wanted me to have a good birthday.  Not that the others are not a blessing but yeah- that one got me.

I met- for the first time, my cousins children and husband.  I have met Terri, at the standard family events, funerals and weddings, but never her spouse or children.  It was very nice to meet my "blood relatives:.  There were so many strange coincidences.  Her children's paths and our crossed several times.  The world is indeed very very small.

I got a referral from the surgeon to see a lymphatic therapist so maybe the sensations I am feeling in my left arm will get worked on- also suggested Reiki (Antonio- I see you posting here all the time) anyone know about this? Now my insurance will cover it.

The biggest blessing though is that tomorrow is Sunday- it's comin- EASTER SUNDAY and I can't wait.  I wonder what the apostles were thinking on this day so many years ago.  I wonder what Mary was feeling.  Desperation, loneliness, sorrow.  If I were a betting woman I would guess all of the above.   Not me,  Tomorrow is the reminder of just how great my Savior is- It is such a simple story- no wonder it is difficult for the heavy thinkers to get.  
He was born into a lowly family
He lived a normal life
He died a criminals death
He was buried not in his own tomb
He arose three days later
He lives forever 
--------and because of this- I am saved.

I want to encourage everyone to go worship tomorrow.  Go with the attitude that Mary or the apostles might have had- desperate, lonely and broken-  trust me HE will met you there.

Be blessed- I know I am.

John 16:33 I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble, but take heart,  I have overcome the world.


  1. Oh my goodness- should have edited-

    I know the difference between met and meet- I really do. I also know that a possessive needs and apostrophe- This is why one should not blog under the influence of heavy narcotics

  2. John 16:33 is my all time bestest favoritest verse...good post sweetie. Love you!
